Finally, the first weekend of 2014! It’s a perfect day. The sea is smooth as glass. You’ve prepared your maps and your enthusiastic guests have just arrived and are standing in front of your superyacht, anxious to come aboard. With an athletic, almost feline gesture, you activate the gangplank to welcome them…but…it’s stuck! You explain to them that it’s just a technical hiccup, because it was working just fine earlier.

Thanks to some makeshift solutions you manage to get everybody on board with only a few scraped knees and a close call or two as guests risk falling in the water below. Not a very good start to the day. Patience, there’s plenty of time to make up for the false start.

Start the engines! Everybody’s got to hear their power!… A dull thud comes from the depths of your yacht. More than a thud, it’s the sound of an asthmatic cough…. It just won’t start. The guests exchange confused and surprised glances mixed with a tinge of embarrassment. You, of course, affect indifference and nonchalance. It’s hot so you invite your guests to have a drink, but…surprise! The electrical system isn’t working and the air conditioner won’t start. Help! No cool drinks, the kitchen is out of commission and foul-smelling. Someone asks to use the bathroom, but since the autoclave isn’t running the bathrooms are also off limits.

Your guests are now looking quite angry. Congratulations, you’ve just ruined the first weekend of fun and sun and transformed it into a nightmare. The whole morning is dedicated to listing all the malfunctions of your superyacht – now downgraded to “tub.” One of your guests – who also happens to be your most important customer – approaches, red in the face, and blurts, “Well, you could have planned ahead! Did you have regular maintenance done on this wreck or not?”


In this short tale we have summarized the problems that might come up without checkups and regular maintenance:


  • Dead batteries for services, motors, and generators
  • Blocked autoclave pump
  • Blocked seawater air conditioner pump
  • Blocked toilet pump
  • Blocked waste and sewage pumps
  • Stuck gangplank
  • Mold on the external upholstery
  • Humidity in the cabins due to lack of ventilation, leaving a bad odor
  • Dirty propellers, hull, and sea valves
  • Clogged sea filters

(Go to our complete boat maintenance check list)

Don’t procrastinate. Avoid unpleasant and costly last-minute surprises.

Schedule maintenance ahead of time. It’s a good idea for two reasons:

First, the scheduled maintenance will be carried out calmly and precisely. If you wait until the high season, you may run into delays due to excessive demand, with the risk that things will be done too quickly without taking the necessary time to do them well.

Second, there will be ample availability of spare parts and you won’t have to wait for deliveries of missing parts.

Portomirabello Shipyard can offer you services ranging from a simple washing to the complete management of your yacht. Following is a list of the primary services that we can offer you and your vessel:


  • External washing
  • Teak treatment
  • Internal cleaning
  • Laundry service with onboard pickup and delivery
  • Opening rooms to air them out during your absence
  • Checking moorings and bilge pumps
  • Checking and recharging batteries
  • Periodically running principal systems like engines, generators, toilet autoclaves, air conditioning, and so on
  • Startup of air conditioning before your arrival
  • Supervising work
  • Checkup of electronics and security systems, as well as ship documentation


For contacts and information

mirabello shipyard-01

Office hours:
08:00/12:30 – 13:30/17:30
t. +39 0187 733907
Mobile Office 333 7621993
Fax  0187 1864958

Additional services