Best Anchorages

Whether you’re looking for rest and relaxation or active adventure, a yacht vacation along one of the western Mediterranean coasts will offer you the experience of a perfect cruise. You will set sail for a long voyage along some of the most captivating coastlines in the world, choosing to stop in dream locations. From the stunning architecture of the Amalfi coast and the Cinque Terre in Italy, to the sandy white beaches of Corsica, and continuing on to the chic French Riviera and the refined Balearic Islands and Sardinia, you will discover the pleasant climate and surprising natural beauty of this magnificent region, tasting the glorious wealth of foods and wine that will accompany you throughout your travels.
Bring your designer swimwear and cocktail wardrobe for all the Jet Set occasions that you will encounter. But remember that, beyond all this pomp and glitter, the western Mediterranean is also the perfect place for lazily wandering through country markets, mountain biking through lavender fields, and pausing in picturesque, rustic cafés.
In these pages you will find a selection of famous places, true touristic icons, and other corners where nature still reigns, awaiting your superyacht’s anchor.

Enjoy your reading.



South West Mediterranean