Combining beauty, sustainability and respect for the environment is a must today
. The three concepts must proceed together hand in hand to guarantee a future for our planet. In Porto Mirabello we have always put beauty on the first place because it is our first business card. Moreover, the landscape that surrounds our piers and destinations not far from our Marina needs no introduction. Instead, what we want to let you know is that Porto Mirabello has obtained, even in 2019, the Blue Flag, precisely because of the characteristics of its berths.

What are the other Blue Flags that can easily be reached from Porto Mirabello?

The Blue Flag to which public opinion generally looks is that given to the beaches that can be proud for their cleanest water and the highest level of environmental respect. Not far from Porto Mirabello you can find some of the most interesting Blue Flags of our area. What places are we talking about?

  • In Ameglia, you can find Fiumaretta beach
  • In Lerici are located Lido San Giorgio, Fiascherino and Baia Blu

These are just two examples of the beautiful Ligurian territory that can be reached, even during one day out, from Porto Mirabello. Do you need advice? Ask our Concierge: he will give you the right suggestion.