Can you tell us about your business?
MC Yacht mainly deals with three sectors that are connected to each other and dedicated to yachting.
The first area is Management, basically we take care of all the administrative, technical, bureaucratic and commercial matters that are related to the management of a boat, such as the choice in the pre-sale phase, the hypothesis of being able to make the boat work as a charter and therefore not to use it only for private purposes, but also to rent it, evenifonly to paythe management costs.
There is the constructive area, MC YACHT has a partnership with a shipyard that builds boats on 300 feet custom aluminum, so basically we start from the concept together with Fulvio de Simoni who is our designer, I myself am a nauticalengineer and have designed boats for over 20 years, then we develop the general plans, the commercial offers and finally we follow the entire construction process.

Another important sector is technical assistance. When a customer is in distress or has works to do that may be more important than fitting, or simple technical interventions, such as the on-board system that does not work, MC YACHT has a network of specialized internal technicians, who can move mainly between the French Riviera and Tuscany as a maximum limit with equipe vans. When we go on site, on board to organize the maintenance work of carpentry, painting, mechanical repairs, we assure the custode and the crew all the necessary operational support .

The core business of MC Yacht is, however, maritime mediation, commonly called brokerage, we, however, do not do it globally, I would rather call it a “boutique brokerage”, that is, always aimed at our customers that we follow either in the shipbuilding phases of construction or in management. Knowing in detail the tecnica aspect of the maintenance or the historicity of the boat, it becomes easier to sell it. We therefore take care of the advertising in the common buying and selling portals, investing important figures, with advertisements in magazines clearly referring to the particolar niche of this sector.

As an expert in the nautical world and broker, how do you define the structure of Porto Mirabello?
It’s a dynamics structure, I really like the “product” Porto Mirabello because it’s open, you see people moving. It has created a lot of connections with the city and is very welcoming and comfortable. Guests who come have the opportunity to experience the stay in the Harbour, even for a short time, in a different way and therefore to go beyond the Harbour element, because in Porto Mirabello you live well, with maximum services, you live the city of La Spezia, the Cinque Terre and that is the proximity to magnificent places and therefore it is an important structure, I would say precious, a structure that was missing in this city. I grew up professionally with Porto Lotti and apparently the two marinas compete, but in reality they are very different from each other. So we as operators take a lot of advantage because we have customers who are in love with Porto Lotti precisely becauseit is a very static Harbour, let’s say for a very old clientele and it is a much more closed, less frequented, Porto Mirabello is more cosmopolitan, a wide open door on the worldliness of yachting.

Why should shipowners and captains choose to moor in Porto Mirabello?
Shipowners choose it because it is a new structure, it is modern and offers many things that other Harbours do not offer, even the sizes of the moorings are for modern boats. For example in Punta Ala, you will find numerous berth in the marina which are 12 meters long and maybe 3 and a half meters wide because at the design level of 40 years ago, the boats were much narrower. Therefore Porto Mirabello being a more recent Harbour is adapted to the size of the new yachts and superyachts.

For example, docks are wider and even in adverse weather conditions, there were no problems here. The moorings are very wide. The property is particularly careful so that people respect the spaces because in other marinas they allow a little of everything, then problems arise when there are very bad weather conditions, the moorings are all compressed together and you create damages …
As for the captains, this Harbour recalls Harbours that are in the French Riviera, therefore structures alive throughout the year, with a Harbour structure that offers shops, restaurants and premises that are always open, many opporunities for the spare time such as gyms or basketball court and other sports.

Porto Mirabello is ideal for the crews during long winter stay. If one wants to go shopping at the market, they can go there on foot or by bicycle. Porto Lotti is also inside Golfo dei Poeti but this does not happen there, I know that crews do not go there willingly, because they feel isolated from the territory.

With the new office that we are about to build, we will dedicate ourselves more to the crew market, therefore to the supply of crews, both seasonal and permanent, because the request comes from many owners.