We will never be tired of saying it: the warm season is here (weather permitting) and Porto Mirabello is taking care of its look while waiting for boats of all sizes to moor or depart from our piers. Mooring your boat at Porto Mirabello is a choice of security and also of right location: La Spezia is, actually, not far from some wonders that the world envies to Italy. We are talking about the Cinque Terre, places seduce thanks to landscape and also good food. Why not leave with your own boat from Porto Mirabello for a lhave a lunch in Corniglia, Vernazza or Monterosso? What to eat once landed in Cinque Terre?

What to eat in Cinque Terre

If the whole world envies us Cinque Terre, the universe is able to envy us the goodness and delisciousness that Italy puts on the table. Visiting Cinque Terre and enjoying a lunch in a unique place is the perfect thing to do while visiting Liguria. You will real varieties of menus, full of good things to eat and there you will find 3 major constants. We are going to tell you about it today, as if we were local guides ready to advise you during your visit.

Pasta al pesto

Maybe the most popular choice. And one of the most reproduced and exported. What we Italians commonly call pesto is, for someone who did not grow up on our peninsula, a set of green beans, broccoli and basil with lots of cheese. Fortunately we know very well how to prepare the pesto: only Genovese basil leaves, a good pecorino, pine nuts and extra-virgin olive oil of excellent quality. Which could it be a better occasion than a lunch at Corniglia to taste such goodness?

Monterosso rice cake

How could it be, instead of having lunch in just one village, organizing a “dining trip” around Cinque Terre? The 5 villages could become a sort of itinerant meal, giving you the opportunity to capture the best of each village. One choice that should never be missing in your transit in Monterosso is a slice of rice cake. It is called cake but it is not a dessert: it is a savory pie prepared with rice, eggs and ricotta. Taste it accompanied by a glass of local white wine.

Fried “bianchetti”

Something fried is always inevitable when you spend a day out of town. Try Fried Bianchetti while visiting Cinque Terre: bianchetti are typical little mediterranean fish. Vernazza could be the right place to taste this deliciousness, perfectly hot and just out of the pan.

Three dishes for Cinque Terre and one big reference point: Porto Mirabello.